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Synchronized Skating at Mariposa

What is Synchro?

Synchronized skating is a specialized discipline of skating involving groups of eight or more skaters performing various group formations and maneuvers. The objective is for the team to perform as one unit executing circles, blocks, lines, wheels and intersections in unison to the music, while demonstrating quality edges, power and flow. Skate Canada’s SynchroSkate program includes a number of Synchronized Skating categories which accommodate skaters at any age and skill level.

Mariposa currently does not have a team.  Please check back in the spring of 2024 for information.

For information please contact

Synchro Mariposa Programs

Try Outs for 2023/2024 Season

APRIL 15 – MAY 6

Skaters Ages 8 – 12

  • May 6
  • 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm & 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm-
  • Allandale Rec Centre Red Rink

Skaters Ages 13-19

  • April 15 &  April 22
  • 10:00 AM- 11:30 AM
  • Allandale Rec Centre Blue

Team Mariposa is currently seeking skaters for our 2023-2024 synchronized skating teams.  New and returning synchro skaters, age 5 to 18, are required to attend two try out  sessions we are hoping to field teams from Star to Intermediate level.  Come be a part of our FUN and growing synchronized skating program with opportunities to compete at a Provincial level.  No synchro experience necessary.

Skaters are asked to attend both try out sessions for their age.

COST $40 for one or both days.  (Discount will be applied upon check out)



2023-2024 Synchro Mariposa Season

Team Mariposa is currently seeking skaters for our 2023-2024 synchronized skating teams.  New and returning skaters, age 5 to 18, are invited to sign up for one of two tryout sessions fielding teams in the Beginner, Elementary, Pre-Juvenile, Juvenile and Pre-Novice categories.  Come be a part of our FUN and growing synchronized skating program with opportunities to compete at a Provincial level.

For information please contact

CONGRATULATIONS to Team Mariposa PRE NOVICE for placing fourth at the Provincial Championships!


Synchro Coaching Staff

Cathie Gillespie

Cathy Gillespie is our Synchro Program Director

Mitch Islam

Synchro Coach

Lyndsay Burrows

Synchro Coach

Support Coaches

Kelly Johnson

David Islam

Paul Matheson

Janice Morgan


Have a question? We're here to help!

Contact Us
Over the past 2 years our hockey team has participated in Mariposa’s skating program as part of our team development. I have observed immediate and long term results from each of our players edges, agility and Transitions. The results have been remarkable and as a coach I firmly believe in the skill of skating as critical foundation to any player. We will continue to invest our teams development money with Mariposa now and in the future. Mariposa’s staff is world class and nothing compares to the Team Edge and Balance Program! Shawn Bovair Head Coach Barrie Minor Hockey Minor Atom AA Shawn Bovair Police Constable #7473 Operational Support Division - Crime Prevention Unit
— Shawn Bovair —